Andre Treib's Two Cents

Your 3-Month Roadmap to Becoming a Junior Frontend Developer: The Stepping Stones to Your Coding Journey 🚀

ANAndré Treib

Published on September 2, 2024

Hey there, future coder! 👋 So, you’ve decided to dive into the world of frontend development. That’s awesome! But let’s be real—becoming a frontend developer is a marathon, not a sprint. Think of this 3-month roadmap as your training plan. By the end of it, you’ll be well on your way to running the coding race, but there’s still a whole lot of track ahead. This journey is just the beginning!

Month 1: Lay the Foundation

Week 1: HTML—The Structure of the Web

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the skeleton of any web page. It’s where you start when building any website.

  • What to Learn: Basic tags (<p>, <h1>, <a>, etc.), links, images, lists, forms, and the concept of the DOM (Document Object Model).
  • Where to Learn:
  • Pro Tip: Practice by building a simple static webpage. Maybe a personal profile page or a small business homepage. Search for content on Youtube using the keywords: basic html page

Week 2: CSS—Styling the Web

Once you’ve got the structure, it’s time to make your web pages look good with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

  • What to Learn: Selectors, properties, colors, fonts, and layout basics.
  • Where to Learn:
  • Pro Tip: Create your own CSS stylesheet for the webpage you built in Week 1. Experiment with colors, fonts, and layouts. Also, keep digging on Youtube!

Week 3: Responsive Design—Making It Look Good Everywhere

In today’s mobile-first world, responsive design is a must. This week, you’ll learn how to make your websites look great on any device.

Week 4: Introduction to CSS Frameworks

CSS frameworks can save you time and effort by providing pre-built styles and components. In general, it is what you will use in your daily basis.

  • What to Learn: Basic usage of Tailwind CSS.
  • Where to Learn:
  • Pro Tip: Start by integrating Tailwind into your previous projects and see how much faster you can style your pages now.

Month 2: Deepen Your Knowledge

Week 5: JavaScript Basics—Adding Interactivity

HTML and CSS are great, but they’re static. JavaScript is the magic that makes your websites interactive.

  • What to Learn: Variables, data types, functions, loops, conditionals, and basic DOM manipulation.
  • Where to Learn:
  • Pro Tip: Start by writing small scripts, like a calculator. Here the tip is still "go to youtube". There's a lot of fun challenges to study and practice!

Week 6 and 7: Advanced JavaScript—Going Deeper

Now that you’ve got the basics, it’s time to explore more advanced JavaScript concepts.

  • What to Learn: Arrays, objects, events, event listeners, and more advanced DOM manipulation.
  • Where to Learn:
  • Pro Tip: Try building a small interactive project, like a to-do list app or a simple quiz game. You still can find a lot of interesting stuff on Youtube.

Week 8: Asynchronous JavaScript—Working with Data

Web applications often need to fetch data from servers or APIs. Asynchronous JavaScript, including concepts like Promises and async/await, is crucial for handling these tasks.

Month 3: Build and Polish Your Skills

Week 9: JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks—Exploring jQuery

Before jumping into modern JavaScript frameworks, it’s useful to understand jQuery, a library that simplifies JavaScript development. It will help you to understand what a framework looks like, after all the things you did with Vanilla Javascript (yes, this is how we call "Javascript" after years and more years using Frameworks).

  • What to Learn: Basic jQuery syntax, selecting elements, event handling, and simple animations.
  • Where to Learn:
  • Pro Tip: Try adding jQuery to one of your previous projects to simplify your JavaScript code. If you lost your project, try to create a new one now. With all the learning so far (HTML, CSS, JS, and, now JQuery) you can build something really powerful. If you are running out of ideas for projects, you can ask for ChatGPT! He is great for that!

Week 10, 11 and 12: React—Your First JavaScript Framework

Ok, now we are getting real. React is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks for building dynamic user interfaces. It is fairly used on most of the web applications that you access nowadays. As soon as you learn how to code React, you can for sure get a job as a frontend developer. It’s a bit more complex, but learning it will open up a world of possibilities!

  • What to Learn: Components, JSX, props, state, and the basics of React hooks.
  • Where to Learn:
  • Pro Tip: Start by building a simple React app, like a weather app or a movie list, to get familiar with the framework. You can also re-do the To-do app that you made a few weeks ago, and then compare the difference in the code! You still can find a lot of stuff on Youtube, to learn new ways to solve issues.

The Road Ahead: Keep Growing!

You did it! 🎉 You’ve completed a 3-month intensive journey into frontend development. But remember, this is just the beginning. The world of web development is vast and always evolving. Keep building, keep experimenting, and keep learning new things.

Here’s what you can explore next:

  • Advanced JavaScript (ES6+ features): Learn about modules, destructuring, and modern array methods.
  • Other Frameworks/Libraries: Dive into Next.js or Remix! You can power-up your React app.
  • Backend Development: Learn about Node.js, Express, and databases to become a full-stack developer.
  • UI/UX Design: Explore design principles and tools like Figma or Sketch.

Your coding journey is an ongoing adventure. Keep pushing your limits, stay curious, and most importantly, have fun along the way! Happy coding! đź’»

Published on September 2, 2024

André TreibAN